Friday, February 28, 2020

International marketing Assignmnet Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International marketing Assignmnet - Assignment Example The paper aims at assessing the scope of international marketing in Indonesia in the context of growth and development of international departmental stores in the country. For conducting an overall assessment, macro environmental analysis has been taken in consideration. The company that has been selected for this analysis is Big W, which is Australian by origin and is planning for expansion in Indonesia. Before getting into in-depth analysis a brief background of the company and its product and services has been provided. In context to overseas expansion, the motive behind such decision has also been discussed in the paper. Following company profile, a brief introduction of Indonesia has been provided along with a detailed study of economic, political, legal and cultural atmosphere of the country. Along with the environmental assessment, advantage and disadvantages associated with the location has also been discussed in the paper so that the company can evaluate the situation in a comprehensive manner before committing any resources. The paper is therefore not limited to mere analysis of Indonesian business environment. Instead, conclusion and recommendations are also provided regarding the same. Big W is one of the well-known discount departmental store chains in Australia. The retail chain is a part of Woolworths Ltd and has more than 100 stores all over Australia. The company aims at selling best quality brands at lowest possible cost. The business of Woolworths ltd is highly diverse and it can be said that the company created the subsidiary variety store for complementing Woolworths’ supermarkets. Big W employs approximately 17000 people all over Australia. The company is focused on delivering best quality at the best price, healthy and safe working environment for its employees and fair degree of return to its stakeholders. The store has a number of delivery systems that suit the consumer needs. Big W has recently diversified in the

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Humanities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Humanities - Essay Example The statue of david is a sculpture of a nude man standing and represents the heroic David of the bible. The eyes of the sculpture are turned towards Rome in what looks like a stare of warning. On the other hand, the Pieta depicts the dead body of Jesus on the laps of his mother, Mary. The sculpture portrays a balance of classical beauty and renaissance ideals. Michelangelo’s works were entirely involved in the services of the Catholic Church (Creighton 25). He was a man of pessimism in his poetry and optimist in his artwork. He is considered to be one of the greatest artists and architect during the Renaissance period. His artwork consisted of paintings and sculptures that revealed humanity in its natural state. The renaissance was a period between 1500 and1700. During this period there was a rebirth of interest in the ideas of the classical period. In this period the ideas of Hippocrates and Galen were studied and the four humors become the focus of medical treatments and bloodletting became very popular (Lobenstine 78). Science began in this period (renaissance period) and it changed (got replaced) superstition into medicine. This period also saw the founding of the royal society, in the year 1660, a body of leading scientists. People in this period had to be educated and had to have knowledge in both science and arts like Leonardo da Vinci (Lobenstine 83). He was well known for his art works (like the Mona Lisa) and he was also a scientist and regularly attended dissections. The reformation happened during this period largely as people were thinking about the things around them and were not ready to accept what had always been. During the renaissance period (1517) Martin Luther brought out a list of things that he thought were wrong with the church to a door of a church in Wittenberg in Germany. These ideas threatened the Catholic Church as many people liked them and protested about the Catholic Church, these people came to be known as the Protestants